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Empowering Educational Institutes Using Data Warehouse

Empowering Educational Institutes Using Data Warehouse. Abstract-The need to access data is a very common requirement now a days, be it a non-profit organization or full-fledged business organization. Decision makers have always needed data to make informed and accurate decisions. Data-driven decision support systems, such as data warehouses can serve the requirement of extraction of information from more than one subject area. Data warehouse can provide the information required by the decision makers at their fingertips. Usually data warehouses are built for an organization where revenue and profits are more important. The data warehousing technology need not be limited to usage by business organizations, its usage can be extended to non-profit areas like education and egovernance which can enhance the productivity. Current enrollments count in thousands in any reputed institute. The management challenges include meeting diverse student needs, increased complexity in academic processes. The complexity of these challenges requires continual improvements in operational strategies based on accurate, timely and consistent information. An information warehouse can deliver the required information to the decision makers and provide an insight into the overall situation. This greatly facilitates decision makers in taking micro level decisions in a timely manner without the need to depend on their IT staff. This scenario is applicable to education domain also. This paper provides the way in which productivity of education institute can be improved by using data warehousing technology.

Keywords —Data analytics, Data warehouse, Data Modeling, ETL, Decision Making


Often the decision makers of educational institute take decisions based on assumption and rely on what they believe is true. They also depend on manual methods which needs resources like staff and time. In any educational Institute, data is distributed across the campus in different automation systems the institute has. When data resides on multiple systems distributed across the campus, it is difficult to increase access and make intelligent use of data .This leads to lack of ability for deeper analysis of data. Institutions are locked into manual, paper based methods for their decision making. Data wareho
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