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Smart Dustbins with GSM and ARDUINO Module

Smart Dustbins with GSM and ARDUINO Module

Abstract: – Everywhere people are investigating on different aspects in several fields for making smart cities to enhance civilization and human comfort. This paper presents some basic ideas on smart dustbin which can be helpful to reduce human effort to make waste management more efficient. It will sense that dustbin is full or empty and will instruct to dump the garbage by for sending messages by Gsm and arduino module controls.

Keywords – Smart dustbin, GSM, arduino module, waste management.


ENVIRONMENT” is essential for everyone and present everywhere, that supply all natural needs in an abundant manner but also we have some responsibilities towards our environment. In several urban areas although the dustbins are provided so that it can be used by the people but its proper maintenance is also needed lacking of which inhygeine increases destroying our environment day by day also resulting severe adverse effects for mankind . This paper presents some revolutionary remedies in this context. People are more interested to use such technologies which can reduce their time and effort in efficient manner. Automation is the most demandable feature now a day. For this purpose smart dustbins are the much suitable approach. It will be helpful to develop green and smart city. [1]. For this we have to develop a fully automatic dustbin which will first be able to detect the current status and connected to local area network and servers by sending the data to computer system about its current status..

II. EXPERIMENTAL DETAILS A. smart dustbin We have developed a dustbin which is advance and we call it smart dustbin. GSM AND ARDUINO MODULE is used with it. This is done by the process flow of sensing, data transfer and messaging which make the dustbin able to sense to be open automatically as we come near to this and we get the display message on LCD screen that the dustbin is full, dump the garbage and At the same time it is connected to the servers and GSM system which send the information about the status of dustbin that either it is full or empty [2],[3],[4]. This whole process is controlled by the ARDUINO platform.
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International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science (IJLTEMAS)

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